Sorry guys, I actually meant to update the thread this week.
This whole thing has been a huge pain in the butt, but luckily it is almost over. After going back and forth with Nissan corporate for weeks just to try to get a date setup to have a technical specialist look at it, I got fed up and sent an email to a ton of people at the top of Nissan Corporate (CEO, board members, etc). A day later I get a call from someone at the Executive Corporate office. He was extremely apologetic and said that there is no reason why it should've taken this long to have someone look at it, and that my case file was a mess and that the person that was working on it has been removed from the case and I would no longer have to deal with them. He also said that he had talked with the service manager at the Tampa dealer and agreed that there was definitely a real problem with the car that needs to be addressed.
So a day later he calls me back, and has a date setup to have the specialist look at my car. On 12/9 the service manager came to my office in Orlando and picked up the car, and dropped off a crappy 06 Altima. The next day I get a call back from the Executive guy and he said that the specialists found that there was a factory defect with the paint, and that all of the metal parts would need to be repainted.
Of course I immediately objected and said that I didn't want to accept repainting a brand new vehicle because they failed to inspect the vehicle properly after it was painted at the factory. He said he would give me a call back on getting a replacement vehicle. He calls me back and says that after talking it over, they have denied doing a vehicle replacement and said legally all they have to do is repaint the vehicle, and thats simply all they cared about. They offered me as "goodwill" a 2 year maintenance contract on the car as well. They also agreed to repainting my bumper since it had many rock chips on it and I was supposed to get a clear bra installed on my front end but couldn't because I found this problem. Begrudgingly I accepted this deal, since I really didn't want to have to deal with trying to get a lawyer to get it resolved, I just wanted the damn car I paid for! Later I get a call saying that they are going to up the maintanence contract to 3 years.
So they were able to finally start work on the car on the week of the 21st. Because of the holidays it isn't scheduled to be finished until hopefully the end of this week. Oh, and I also allowed them to replace my hood so they could cut the old one in half and send half to Tennessee and the other half back to Japan so they can try to figure out what the hell went wrong. As of right now not a single person at Nissan has seen t his problem before. I sure did pick a winner!
So anyway, hopefully by the end of this week everything will be resolved and I can move on from this epic pain in the butt. I will say that the service manager at Ferman Nissan (Eric Green) has been extremely courteous and helpful in trying to resolve the situation. I really can't say the same about Nissan Corporate. Nissan Corporate has this rediculous system in place where the person assigned to your case NEVER actually answers the phone (literally), and only has to call you back every two days. So if you leave a message on Monday, they won't actually call you back until Wednesday, and then they will only try once that day, if they miss you, they will simply leave a message and you are stuck calling back, leaving a message and waiting another two days, f'ing stupid.
Anyway, I guess that's about it for now. I told you it was a f'ing saga!
Oh, and my car has to wear a damn bra for 2 months while I wait for the paint to cure before I can install a clear bra. *sigh*
Last edited by flashburn; 01-06-2010 at 11:42 AM.