All recent (NEW) Forum Members
As you’ve seen the notice in front page, we are currently in the process of moving our site to a new server. Therefore, The370Z may feel sluggish to browse. You may even get timed out opening threads with lots of post or pictures. I know how frustrating this can be but this is only temporary. We are moving to a NEW server in next 48 hours. Please bear with us during this move.
To all Existing Members (Old Members)
As you remember my post from 12.31.09, I announced that we are moving to a new server. On January 2nd, we DID move to the new server. But one of the script (part of the
SEO software on the forum) was taking up too much resources. We had to do some temporary mods to server to make the site a little faster but it’s just a temporary patch. Even though the new server had way more resources, it still ran (currently running) slower than before. It left us clueless why this happened on this server not the previous one.
We are planning on moving to the NEWEST server in the next 48 hours. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal by then. I truly want to thank EVERYONE for their patience. THANK YOU.