Originally Posted by Jsolo
Several thoughts.
1) Level appears to be at the lower level marker. How long ago (time and miles) was the fluid last changed? I don't recall ever seeing my level drop. Even after 14K miles/3.5yrs (first change) and 8K miles/1yr (2nd change) intervals.
Take a look at this - link .
2) I'd start by doing a thorough flush/bleed. Monitor the level often and closely. It shouldn't move at all. If it does, be prepared for a CSC replacement. Considering your car is a 2010 with unspecified mileage, it's probably time for a clutch anyways. Replace the MC while you're at it.
Any dot 3/4 fluid would work.

Got it done!! I will watch the fluid for sure now! Thank you so much it already shifts better.
The fluid that came out was all watery and nasty!!
Clear now!