I'm not sure who at Nissan thought a digital clock there was appropriate, but who ever they were, he/she was a totally moron idiot. First of all, if there had to be a clock then it should have been analog. But the clock is totally unnecessary because its a redundancy on the radio. Second, while a clock may technically be sort of gauge, it's certainly not a true car related gauge. So why the heck was the third circle not a gauge that fits, like water temp, duh, or even the fuel gauge? Stupid. And lastly to make them so you can't take them apart is annoying. This would be a perfect mod for someone with a turbo to put in an OEM style boost gauge.
Has to be the same guy/gal who did the left side digital dash readout. Doesn't match the other 2 gauges, has digital gauges, is less than intuitive to use (hard to use), and they left off the tire pressure readouts as one of the scroll through options. Epic fail.
Finally Able To Order 2012 Model 8/24/2011
Delivered Tuesday November 15, 9:57 am!!!
2012, Auto, White, Sport, Kick Plates