Originally Posted by jekel
Got engaged/need to buy the other half of my house off my aunty so unfortunately have to sacrifice my Z.....is ok i figure a car i can always get again later on..........sad though, really wanted to go try out track in it. If anyone knows anyone interested pass on my details!
I fear my pants will never be happy again
Well first of all congratulations dude, welcome to my world now hahaha I guess we can discuss the date etc on this, our newly named Farewell BBQ meet.
You will be missed. I agree with Darren, the timing was just crazy....
Can't you just refinance and keep the car? I mean that's what I'm gonna do when I buy a house because we bought new and it's just a waste of money. No need to only have one from 2! (just an idea) Once the cars on a mortgage it's not that much more for repayments (I've looked into this
As you may be aware, I don't want you to leave
I'll fight to the death lol