Originally Posted by Leingod
View from her friends apt is gorgeous. Dinner and a few bars is my guess. Long Island is totally different from Manhattan. Quieter, way less traffic, and more neighborly. We have a gorgeous view of the World Trade Center and Christler building. Took the subway. Didn't get mugged. I basically looked miserable the whole time so panhandlers and flyers ignored me. The gf looked like an authentic tourist. She got flocked to for pamphlets. I accidentally shoulder checked a 300 muscle bound guy who wasn't paying attention. He said nothing and the gf looked in amazement that I didn't get knocked over by his weight but held my own.
Here's a photo of our skyline from her friends apartment. The freedom tower.

Holy crap, did they just have a tree get smoked by lightning by the walkway near the river? I swear I saw a pic on reddit of this very place.