Originally Posted by Jimiz06
That was how the shifter was packaged, all open like that? Looks like the shifter scratched the knob in transit.
They wrap the shift knob latitudinally. They do not wrap it long ways to completely cover the top and bottom. There is a piece of TWM tape to hold the bubble wrap in place. But the shift knob is free to slide up or down (just like in the old post. In this case, the shrink wrap holding it to the piece of cardboard failed in transit and the shift knob was loose in the box causing it to slide and rub against the short shifter.
They also do not fill the negative space in the box. Simple solution.... put the shift knob in it's own little box and slide it in the big box? Use a little more bubble wrap both ways? O..... here's the best solution though, blame your customers on the phone!