Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
Let's face it, a 6-banger just isn't going to have the bottom end torque of a V-8. But the Z ECM has a lot of nannies that can be removed (eg, accel pedal response) that will greatly improve your butt dyno experience.
For lateral Gs, the Z wins hands down.
The Zs are very reliable, for the most part, but the CSCs have gone out on quite a few people. The ESCL (steering lock) was a problem on earlier MYs but was deleted in, IIRC, 2012.
I haven't seen many posts about problems with trim or body parts. No more than any other car, anyway.
There are several threads on Z problems, some of them recent. If you can't find them using the site's search, try any major web search and add "site:the370z.com" to your search string.
im all for the basic tweaks to the car, whats the popular tuner for the Z's? I know with the dodges it takes diablo a few months to crack the encryption, are there similar issues with the Z?
I have been looking at the FI kits, mainly super chargers for simplicity sake. I was hoping to find a twin screw system but it doesnt seem like anyone has produced them for this engine. I was eyeing the GTM/Gamma twin system but everything i've read says "STAY THE **** AWAY" from them. Fast intentions looks like they've got a good kit. I wouldnt be going or huge numbers, really don't want to have to start swapping internals and headers if i dont have to, even exhaust. From what ive read around 450-500 WHP seems to be the target for a daily driver to still attain reliability. This would certainly satisfy the speed need. Muhahahahaha. I suppose i could even get away cheaper with a single supercharger system like the stillen but i HATE the stillen manifold, i think its god awful ugly.