Originally Posted by Jayhovah
This is OT - and perhaps foolish to ask... but as a member of the FI brotherhood I figure I'll take a go at it. I recently installed some Antilaser "parking sensors" and I'd like to find a safe way to test our their functionality... As a LEO, do you have any ideas? I noticed you are also a central floridian too...
I was a motorman for 8 years and I ran laser every day all day. I can tell you from experience that laser jammers work. That being said if you wanted to check out your range and effectiveness and had time to make it to O-town one day while I'm working I'd be more than happy to show you. The systems I've run into in the past would jam a Pro3 out to about 400ft before lock, which is plenty of space because I can typically lock up at around 1700-1900ft on a normal day and out to 2300ft on an uncommon low humidity clear day. It's educational on both ends.