HELP!! Rounded PITA top CAT bolt
I'm putting Berk CATs on and I'm stalled by ONE bolt. This is the top bolt on the drivers side. My 35K paper weight is dead in the water with this. I've tried beating it, penatrating oil, beating a 13mm on it, a bolt-grip that I saw in another thread(it round off first pull). I think I'm about at my end and having to reassmble it back to stock CATs and carry it somewhere. Does anyone have anymore tricks I can try before carring it somewhere?
2009 PG 6spd Sport || 30% side tint, 15% rear || All Redline fluids || Berk HFC's intalled~PITA Bolt  || Stillen G3's || Berk CBE || BC Racing Coilovers with 10K/12K Swift springs & RA valving|| SPL rear camber arms || 20mm/15mm spacers