For Sale: Carbon Signal Carbon Fiber 2015 Lipkit/slideblades and DRLs (with bulbs, painted PW). Never installed, only removed from box for inspection.
Reason for selling:
I had every intention of installing this kit, but life got in the way and then I sold my beloved Nismo. So, this has to go.
Purchasing Information:
Will sell the lipkit/slideblades and DRLs separately or together. Here are the different purchasing options:
Option 1:
DRLs (with bulbs, hardware, painted PW) + Shipping (CONUS only) = $250
Option 2:
CF Slideblades + shipping (CONUS only) = $425
Option 3:
3 CF Lipkit + shipping (CONUS only) = $600
Paypal only. I will cover the fees. Shipping = UPS ground (i will cover that too, if shipped to address in continental US).
While I have not sold anything on this website before, I had sold a bunch of stuff on ebay (USER ID = tnelle) and rcgroups (USER ID = AggieFlyer), 100% positive feedback on both sites.