Originally Posted by Guyfromthere
Hey guys, do you feel exhausted after tracking your z? Small leg room and my helmet hitting the roof doesn't help. How about your experiences pals?
Most people fail to stay hydrated when spending more than 15 or 20 minutes on the track.
I have run in 1-hour race events in the past and unless you have something to hydrate you in the car, after 30 minutes or so (in a triple-layer race suit), your performance starts to fall.
Since I am officially now an old-fart, I actually have a cool-suit as well, for anything longer than a 20-minute race.
Last weekend I ran the Z34 as part of a team in a 6-hour relay where each driver gets 30-minute sessions over the 6-hours and that meant I was tired by the end of the day (I did 3 sessions in total). I drank about 2.5 litres of plain water and a litre of hydrating agent (supplement with requisite salts and minerals) during the day and "just about" kept up with fluid loss.
"Most" of the time, the feeling your experience is a consequence of mental fatigue with dehydration as the root cause. If you do not have a race seat, then you will also experience muscle fatigue as you use upper-body, back, abdo and leg muscles to hold yourself in the seat. A good seat and 5 or 6 point harness makes most of that fatigue go away.