I removed the seat cushion filters last night just out of curiosity. It was extremely easy. It took all of 10 seconds. I raised the front of the seat to the highest position. While seated in the seat, I reached down under the front of the seat, feat the filter and turned it clockwise.
Putting it back was slightly more difficult only because you have to correctly seat the filter before turning counterclockwise.
I'm going to experiment before spending nearly a $100 a pop for new filters that fit in the palm of my hand. First, I'll try cleaning them with a can of compressed air and possibly water. If that doesn't work... I'm thinking about buying a disposable filter with comparable mesh, cutting the old mesh out and gluing the new mesh to the plastic filter ring. I'll have to remove the filter again and get a better look (it was dark last night) to see if option 2 is possible.