Originally Posted by BoneZ
Same thing for cheaper. Dorco is a really good brand. Same with Meurker.
This is what I own. It is amazingly balanced and dead simple to navigate
I use Astra blades. i believe Madwi uses Feather blades. Can't go wrong with either. I do 1 shave, flip the blade for next time and then toss. I sitll haven't run out for over a year from a $10 box.
This is the brush I use. So freaking soft, the bristles don't fall out, and it mixes well with creams/oils.
Also, be sure to get a good shave oil and balm for afterwards. A safety razor gets about as close as possible without restructuring your face with blood.
And if you want to act like a real manly man, get a straight edge. Just don't go Sweeney on someone. I claim no responsibility if you cut your jugular.
This is what I own. Even i struggle at times with it and get some knicks of blood.