Has anyone looked into weight loss for the current tools and spare?
I have been doing research but it seems that people would just rather not drive with one. Anyways for the people WHO DO want to keep their spare and tools has anyone found an alternative tool set or lighter spare tire? I was looking at maybe a Bridgestone Tracompa-2 145/18/r17 (11lbs) for $167. Its hard to find exact numbers for the current 35lb spare but from my guess is that its at least a 9lb loss if the rim is 15.5lbs (estimated "17x8" inch enkei Rims). anyone know the wight of that rim?
Yes trying to save weight like this is dumb, i know. Will this make a difference on its own, heck no. I already saved weight in all the really important places and am just making plans for the future. I'm looking to try and build the lightest, super comfy 370z. This is just for fun. I don't really need it, just want it!
Also thanks for all the past work. You guys are awesome.