Originally Posted by schellingr
That's pretty cool. Great find! You could be right about the Juke sharing this new chassis with the next Z35.
I always believed the new chassis and the multiple engine rumors first n never swayed from that belief.
If you remember in 2008, the 370z was marketed as the Nissan Z almost negating the 370 numbers which off the rip I felt a big change was coming next gen based off that alone. I'm really excited.
News is slowly coming together. And remember in 2012 Nissan said that they were going to restructure the Nismo division. Make it more accessible for in-house mods. With a MODULAR chassis dedicated to Nissan I can see Nismo getting interesting
Oh and with the chassis being modular it saves Nissan a boatloAd of money on R& D basically killing everyone's negativity on making a whole new platform just for the Z