Originally Posted by synolimit
Based on rules for TT at my current weight I need 16 more HP. I'd love cams but idk what to do at this point. I've tried E85 on uprev and lost 12hp. $800 for ecutek doesn't sound appetizing. Uprev claims huge release soon but I doubt a tune/timing/fuel etc will net 10hp. Only cheap thing I could try is maybe bigger TB's and go back to larger intakes. Other than that I'd love a cam that should produce a result unlike keeping my fingers crossed on a tuning package.
I know we have spoken before about the issues you have had, I would honestly say the jump to ECUtek may be the best bet with all the problems you have had on UpRev. Start with that, and see where it takes you, although I think cams will help it sounds to me like other issues need to be sorted first.