Originally Posted by Akurei
As far as I know, with VDC off, Brake Assist is still activated. Now, I am guessing that Ecutek Traction control may take over VDC and Brake assist. After I got tuned, I left VDC On and launched at 2k rpms, felt like grip was good and ready to go and let the clutch out all the way and somewhat eased down the trottle , but my brakes were burning and the car going no where. Do not have that issue when I turn VDC off. Don't know the science behind it, just from experience
So if the brake assist (or dynamic control is what I think we're referring to) is still there with VDC off then there is no true VDC off option like factory has? Would maybe need a map with Oem VDC off for drift mode 😄. I think I'll have to dig into it a bit more with the tuner to see just what adjustable VDC off parameters are effected. I like the idea of the adjustable wheel slip in VDC off but I don't want to be losing the stability assist. As far as I know VDC on is still like oem so that would match your result with VDC on and not going anywhere.