Originally Posted by rbpwrd240
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad I could help out. I'm out of town but once I get back ill get back into the facts of this deal. I hope you a quick and just solution.
PS Dont hate on 240's... Okay maybe S13's J/K But seriously every car group has idiots just happens the 240 game has a large number of them due to the cheap entry price and high hp potential as well as a well balanced package from the start.
Zilvia is a fickle Bi**h and posting anything over there is a risk. LOL Stupid Gen poppers I hope they arent giving positive reviews. I noticed some idiot with a civic did last week but he seemed too stupid to be zilvian. Thats saying summin.
awesome! I hope your out of town trip was good.
I know plenty of guys with 240s/silvias, and they are mostly good people