Originally Posted by Isamu
First of all I want to say thank you. I appreciate the support. I really do. It gives me the same feeling I get when I think about how the military is a brotherhood, and you stick together, protect one another.
I read the thread over there. It made me kind of sad that people attacked me for taking it to the dealership. I work a lot of hours. Minot is notorious for working us 12+ for weeks on end. I would have loved to had done this myself, I just simply didn't have the time to get to it. With that said, hindsight is 20/20.
I am doing my best to collect the facts, and put the evidence in a well formatted document. I'm not sure if I should send a rebuttel to their insurance. It has crossed my mind tho.
I am honestly still in disbelief of how the dealerships staff treated me, and the fact that the PR guy has yet to call me back. It's crazy how little they value their customer base. I did talk to Steve Lehto and he said I should continue what I am doing, and social media is a wonderful tool. As has been displayed by all the super awesome guys here, and over at Zilvia.
Again, thank you for your support. You and the rest of the guys here, and at Zilvia rock!
I apologize if this isn't as coherent as it should be, it's been a long couple of weeks.
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad I could help out. I'm out of town but once I get back ill get back into the facts of this deal. I hope you a quick and just solution.
PS Dont hate on 240's... Okay maybe S13's J/K But seriously every car group has idiots just happens the 240 game has a large number of them due to the cheap entry price and high hp potential as well as a well balanced package from the start.
Zilvia is a fickle Bi**h and posting anything over there is a risk. LOL Stupid Gen poppers I hope they arent giving positive reviews. I noticed some idiot with a civic did last week but he seemed too stupid to be zilvian. Thats saying summin.