I once had the same desire to have a Z right now feeling, but I'm glad that I waited. You'll benefit so much if you decide to wait rather than jumping on the first "good deal" that you run across. I decided to wait until I had all my debt paid, then a descent house, made sure my family had what they needed then it was my turn. Nice feeling when the only debt I have is just a car loan (and house but that's more of an investment). If you wait here's the benefits to look for.
1. You are in college now, you don't want to stay home on weekends because you have no money to go out, hence not even able to enjoy your ride. Wait till you are out of college and once you have a descent job making more money then you'll have even more options.
2. The longer you wait the more options you'll have since price will go down in all years. You may even find a used Z only just 2 or 3 years old at a very descent price. If you land your dream job you'll even be able to show off a brand new Z.
3. You main focus should be education and knowledge. That's more valuable than any Z in this thread (no offense to anyone). Z's come and go and cars value depreciate. Do great in your education an career and things will then fall into place!!!
Last edited by Rocxtar; 06-22-2016 at 02:23 PM.