[WTT]12inch FI resonator for your 18 inch resonator.
I love my FI exhaust, but gf can't stand the drone when we course on the highway, especially with some hills here in southern Virginia.
I searched the forum, it seems the drone of 18 inch resonated midpipe will be slightly better. So if you have a 18 inch resonated midpipe and you want to try a 12 inch one, we can trade. My exhaust has about 6k miles on it. Bought it about 2 years ago from FI. I don't have pic at this moment, the exhaust is still on the car.
BTW, does anyone know how to decrease the drone ? The drone is really annoying around 2800~2900 rpm when you slightly step on the gas.
Last edited by 736459392; 06-22-2016 at 12:48 AM.