Originally Posted by gomer_110
OP, maybe you should consider autox instead of doing HPDE. It still gives you an opportunity to push the car (albeit not as fast) but at a much lower cost and lower risk.
Not really the same thing or same driving technique. I can cover the cost fine and I only plan to go 2-3 times a season. I think you guys are getting the wrong idea of what I'm after. I am not racing or trying for a personal best or competing I am out to have a fun day legally and stay within my limits, comfort zone. Yes at the track there are plenty of track spec Porsche and BMW but there are also lower level classes with people that just want to learn to be smoother/cleaner and quicker. So for me that's worth the cost for others maybe not and they will do it on the streets and if they ever get caught they will probably have a different opinion later after the lawyer fees, fines and community service (it only takes that one time to make all the others not worth it). So I'll do my spirited driving on the track and I'm more than happy to give a point to pass if I'm holding someone up.
Looking at the avg mi and my avg mi I probably will look at the re11/pss/or direzza star spec ii after all since I only drive at 15k a year at most. Probably end up a rear set a year and a front ever 1.5 is my guess.