Well, brunch happened this morning, and I never made it to the test drive point. The system is bled and the pedal is adjusted where I want it. However, sounds like the clutch isn't fully disengaging when I depress the clutch pedal. The most likely culprit is my slave cylinder mechanical linkage (I have the Z1 kit). I've got a buddy that is going to come by the house and check it out while I'm out of town next week. Then I've red eye home next Thursday night, so I'll make whatever adjustments are necessary on Friday. I do have some photos and but I'm not sure a DIY thread is necessary. The instructions Ryan has put together are very thorough. I'll probably do a thread with a few comments on things not to do lol.

2011 370Z 6MT Sport Gun Metallic | ARC | CJM | Ecutek | FI | Fujimura | R2C | SPL | Stillen | TWM | Z1 | ZSpeed |