So finally finished it! Figure with all the headaches, parts hunting and modifications, I've got about 24 hours into this project. I must be supper slow as I've seen some estimates as low as 8 hours. Did it alone so I'm sure that added some time. Oh yeah, test drive... First thing I did was take it to the biggest emptiest parking lot I knew of. It was about 6:00pm so I couldn't do anything fun but, I did the Cusco break-in procedure. 10 figure 8s. I know everyone who saw me though I was a moron or something. OS Giken says no break in required but I figured it couldn't hurt. If it made it better, great! No clicks bangs or funny noises whatsoever during the figure 8s. Cool, that's why I spent the extra $$$s. Next I wanted to find a spot to kick it out and see if it fixed the fishtail snap issue I've hated about the car. Did a u-turn, 1st gear pitch and held the peddle to the floor. Not too far, probably only 20 degrees but it pitched out and no snap back. Haven't done anything else yet but it looks like it's performing the way I hoping it would. Drove to work this morning with the radio off to see if I could hear any different tones but no change. The energy differential bushings must be the perfect hardness to provide stiffness and minimize noise. They might just be worth the hassle. The car did seem to go into VDC mode easier on one turn so I turned it off like usual. Need to leave it on and drive it a couple more days to see if this is real or not. So initial impressions...
This car is slowly becoming bad-a$$. Waited 57.7k miles for this. Should of done it sooner but I didn't have the rear bushing excuse.