I bought 2 sets of these with the intention of using both sets...
Sold 1 set a month ago... Decided today I'm letting these go too.
Not using them- no point in keeping them, but doesn't mean they go for cheap.
Selling for what I paid- bulletproofautomotive
Bo there custom ordered these for me and I had (2) two 7 sided Amuse hand cut titanium amuse keys made custom for me.
Bo asked amuse to do this for me- they agreed.
I paid an extra $100 shipped for the extra handmade titanium key For the lugs.
$800 for the 20 (7) sided titanium amuse lugs with the 2 amuse titanium
7 sided keys.
These are in my hand- no wait time - ready to ship.! These have never out of their original boxes and get them while I'm out of my mind and ready to sell.
I'm moving out most all rare my JDM parts I have left.
Thanks guys.