I use 303, many use Raggtopp. I don't see how you can go wrong with either. I picked 303 products because that's what a store I've shopped at for automotive stuff in the past had. I can't honestly say it's better than Raggtopp, it was mostly chance. It works. I like it. Good enough for me.
I apply protectant with a paint brush to get a very thorough and controlled application. Less hand cramping is a plus.
I can't imagine Meguiars making anything bad, but I use 303 cleaner and a large soft synthetic bristle brush. Light rinsing with low pressure to get the soap off. Absolutely no high pressure anything ever.
I agree with OldGuyFla, blot, don't wipe. The fabric part of the top is over $1k just to buy. I'm gonna' guess half that to have someone who knows what they're doing install it. That fairly screams hands (mostly) off to me.