Oh boy. Here we go. How this turned into pre vs post '15 issue is silly to me. The question was between the 350 and the 370 so OP - I went to the 350 forum and found this.
Not much of a difference. It boils down to your choice not anyone else's opinion. I have friends with 350's and they really like it. Lots of parts and when done right, it looks great. Their issue between their car vs the 370 varies -- mostly about the interior (fit/finish and the rear brace not as much in the way as in the 350) and the wide and low look that the 370 has and they like. Never went with handling discussions but many who drove both said the 350 was rawer than the 370 (this was also mentioned in the thread below). Interesting since I thought the 370 was raw.
I liked post 9 and 15. Good luck on your decision.