Your right on the form and diet thing. Its form over weight and each person prefer to work out a different way. J Cutler = no actual work out routine to speak. He just goes to his gym and lift what he "feels" like. Kai Green, the dude is a gym philosopher!! Then there is me, I don't like the super duper heavy sets. I feels like I don't get good movement control and end up not getting as good of a workout. My current gym is a collection of stuff I bought new and CL over years. I just decided that I wanted to get more serious. As for treadmill, never! not me! I have jump ropes, a 8lbs sledge and tractor tire in the back! As for diet, I could be a lot better but I'm a foodie. Lol.. Kinda hard to do. I did get a BlendTec to increase my fruit and veggie intake. I'm dropping the whole leaves and fruit minus seeds to make my smoothie.
I'm just looking to upgrade but don't really know a good cage and FID deal when one pops up.
Edit: I have gotten my mirrors from CL for free years ago too. They are important to a home gym IMO. I don't feel as cramped in the room, and I get to watch my form as I lift.
Last edited by YzGyz; 05-29-2016 at 10:46 AM.