I posted this on BB.com but looking for more help here.
I have been searching and reading on BB.com along with random sites. I'm trying to get in better shape and gain more muscles. My gym in nice but very limited. I decided to upgrade to a power cage and bench but lost on what to buy. I read the stickies ot Clist and all that stuff on buy once and be done. I agree with this but I really can't afford nor want to spend the big $$ on heavy duty stuff. I'm looking for good beginner/intermediate stuff. I weight 147 lbs with 31'' waist and not sure what my BMI is but it's not so bad. I want to gain 7lbs or so and loose a little flab in the gut. The main reason why I want a cage is because I can't safely do squats (getting top heavy). I also bench alone often and don't want to get squished.
This is my current gym but like I said, I want to upgrade.

The room is 85" from floor to ceiling, 12'8'' by 10' 8''.
I have $450 to spend for both the cage and FID bench. The bench don't have to decline but it would be nice.
Can I get some help upgrading my gym? I'm not in a rush as I already have a gym to use.