Originally Posted by brancky3
Relocated to Greenville, SC as well three years ago from Detroit. We have it all - mountains, beach, a few awesome lakes, and fairly sizeable cities (Atlanta, Charlotte, Asheville) all within just a few hours of each other. My house was around 265k and we pay about 2500 in taxes (it might actually be less now, I haven't checked to be honest)
It really depends on what fits your lifestyle, but I like have three seasons and the options listed above put the icing on the cake.
My sister-in-law's parents just moved to Greenville from Maine. How do you like it being so inland compared to the Charleston area? Unfortunately the stereotype around here is that anywhere in the south is living in the past... I don't know how much of this is true and I don't mean to offend. Born and raised in NJ it's hard to imagine outside the bubble.