Originally Posted by Larso1
Lol, you should probably get your profile changed to read "an Ex-Z fanatic". I say, don't worry about what you think others might be thinking, enjoy your Z now.
At no point have I said that I don't like my 370Z nor do I care in the slightest what other's think of it. I am intimately aware of its merits and shortcomings and bought my second one anyway. It's a blast to drive, and at $35k for that kind of performance it's a great bargain. I enjoy it every time I drive it. Unlike some in this thread, however, I have no illusions about its contribution to the real automobile world after 8 years, it's overall desireability in the market after 8 years, or its contribution after 8 years to the sterling reputation of Nissan as a performance car company

The main attraction of the Z for me is its cost. If I wanted performance with minimal regard to cost and without regard to practicality there are about a half-dozen other performance vehicles I'd get over a 370Z, but I can't see the utility of spending the considerably greater amount of money on a performance car like a GT-R or Stingray, both of which I've seriously considered, that would sit in my garage 5 months out of the year. IOW, I would much rather
buy performance and I have no interest whatsoever in bolting it on. So until I decide to bite the bullet and pop for something than makes my insurance guy roll his eyes, the factory stock 370Z works well for me. It's a great compromise.
I don't mean to disparage you Tunerz in this thread and I'm sorry to gore your ox. I don't want to mod my Z, I don't want to race it, and I don't know or care who Steven Doherty is. What my car "can be turned into" doesn't interest me in the slightest. I'm interested in how it works out of the box compared to how much it costs and where I can get it worked on.