Originally Posted by OldGuy
I would really like to have my longtime expert mechanic do this for me. Let me know if you ccomplish it so I can tell him its doable and have him turn to it. He usually discourages modifications on my cars but if I'm prepared to argue my case to him that it's not electrically dangerous to the car or its wiring in any way and won't compromise the warranty, I think he'll go along with the program. He also wants me to be sure that such mods are reversible---insists he's protecting me from complications at resale. He means well and sees to it that I do always my homework!
My father is the same way, always asking why I buy this part or that because I will not make my money back on it and if I sell the upgrades with the car it might hurt. I look at it as I enjoy the car with these parts, and I will worry about resale when it comes to that.