Originally Posted by jchammond
Interesting Note's Fellow's,as an engine oil & A/T cooler are next on my list.
I too let mine warm to 160/180 before driving hard & normally runs 200 all the time after it warms up (on warm days)
sitting in traffic jams (Atlanta-example) or several hard accelerations & mine's at 220/230
Not sure what temp. will throw it in limp mode? I've heard the A/T will go in Limp if it goes too warm.
Any comment's or suggestion's are welcome.
I'm pretty sure there are at least two different limp modes. One restricts RPMs to 5000, which I think kicks in around 250-260F. The the other restricts RPMs to 3500 and kicks in around 280F. I'm not 100% sure on the temps, but I've definitely hit the 5000 RPM limiter limp mode on the track before without an oil cooler.