Installed a Z1 Oil Cooler Today - Something Doesn't Seem Right
I had a local shop install a 34 Row Z1 oil cooler with a thermostat today.
Unless I'm mistaken, I was under the impression that the thermostat was supposed to kick in at 180 degrees and not let the car get much hotter than that.
However, I took the car to an empty back road on some private property and I stood up on it to around 6k RPM's from 0-80 a few times after the oil was above 150, and it never even reached 180 degrees. I romped on this thing and it barely crossed 175 degrees at the hardest I ran the car.
So I call the guys who installed it and they tell me that the engine shouldn't ever run above 180 and it's a good thing that it's kicking in at, what seems to be, 150-160 degrees.
Am I wrong? Are they wrong? I'm confused now.