Originally Posted by FairladyZ40th
Hmmmm... Well I mean it only happens when you punch it? But if you slowly accelerate its ok? Have you tried that? If it dies only when you punch it then yeah man maybe clogging....
Most noticeable when moderate throttle, complete bog when full throttle. Extra slow acceleration with little throttle. as you can tell from the video though, it's not consistent. Randomly works, randomly isn't. From my understanding (and experience on bike) fuel filter or blockage consistently has an effect at rpm or throttle levels.
Originally Posted by schellingr
Very weird issue for sure. Looks like you got a bad fuel pump? So many things that can cause issues like this. Double check everything again to see if you miss something. CPU reset, idle Re-learning, try your new Code scanner to see if something shows up. Injectors maybe? Bad old fuel?
(Miss the good ol times when cars didn't have all these technologies and advanced CPUs ("features") and auto-shutdowns to "prevent" things to happen, making it a real pain to keep driving the car....)
Hoping it's not the fuel pump, that was a surprising pain the the *** to change. Might as well take it out and check connections though..
Someone has suggested old gas, or gas with condensation/water in it. Going to try an additive to address this. Hopefully would be the easiest fix.