Originally Posted by Zbrah
We can have a bring your daily rides meet lol
What happens where your Z is your daily?

I was literally 2 minutes from leaving my place with the girl I was going to be bringing along and then out of randomness my friend showed up at my place with a family situation between him and his wife. By the time he left it was almost 9:30 and decided not to go at that point. Just stayed at home and pulled one of those "Netflix and chill" moments with the girl I was with and she stayed over.
Guess my friend showed up for a couple reasons.
Sucks that this has happened at the Cerritos location. Seems like if there was a new cop involved that they would just blow an outstanding agreement between business and congregate. I know many of the last times I have attended the sheriff's would be waiting there or drive through at 8pm and give us a warning right off the bat. Every time they would mention something about some civics, s2ks and acura's doing (what the sheriff had described as) burnouts and rev battles... which almost makes what they cops said funny, but then remembering in retrospect the ricers killed it for everyone again.
As for the new location in Downey and Bob's Big Boys, I am excited to see the newer car scene making it's mark. The BBB is the original car drive in version and holds classic car meets every Sunday morning/afternoon and a bunch of other random days too I believe.
Within the last 2 years, the city has renovated the Downtown Downey area which is turning out very well. Cannot wait to see what is planned for the rest of the city if it has turned out this well already.