Originally Posted by TopgunZ
Everything was basically the same. My AFR's were deep into the 12's after 7K though. I will log intake temps when it stops raining here. Should be this weekend.
Im very curious to see what the other two guys with the kit will make. I am a bit confused by my tuner as he should have told me last time that we wont be able to go safely to redline even if I get the belt to stop slipping. Which I did by purchasing a new one. My old one lost a couple of ribs from riding the pulley too far to the inside. This new one held up good.
Deep into the 12's AFR up top past 7K.....

Isn't that a bit lean for F.I. and risky or is it OK to be at with E85? Are u on UpRev or EcuTek?
***I ask about E85 as its not available where I am from...Highest grade pump is 91 and highest grade available here is MS109 from VP.