ZdayZ survival guide
I got the ticket on a Saturday. So it was during the actual event. I got it on Hwy 28, the street between Fontana and the Dragon.
The ticket was for 70 in a 55. It was $238.
I was actually going faster than that in quick little spurts. I did kind of get screwed because I was out of state. Did I deserve a ticket? Yes. I was driving my *** off. But the reason I got screwed is because I could have went to court and beat it if it wasn't so far. He never actually clocked my speed. He just saw me drive by. He gave me 70 because 16+ mph over the posted speed limit is mandatory court. I would have easily won in court. But I didn't feel like taking off work and driving 7 hours away to fight it.
I had to pay the ticket online.
2009 370z touring w/sports package