Thread: Miata vs 370Z
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Old 04-28-2016, 08:07 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370 View Post
They were invented so you can be able to shift while keeping both hands on wheel at all times. You are 2x as likely to lose control of a vehicle driving with one hand. That's why you're taught 10 n 2 driving. At high velocity this measure has enhanced benefits.

Common sense bruh.

But people don't see how texting n driving isn't dangerous either....
Disagree. Common sense says you should never be shifting if you are at the limits of grip. Not sure if you have any real track time or not, but if so you would be painfully aware that if you are at the limit *controlling* the car with 2 hands you have no need to shift. If you feel the need to shift gears mid turn, you were in the wrong gear entering the turn Apply power on turnout, you can safely and easily shift a manual.

Shift controls on the wheel (and really automatic/manuals that shift faster then a human) are for scraping those few tenths off a hot lap time: no one is disputing that. Most paddle shifters are in a fixed position which also prevents shifting while turning the car at the limits.

Paddles serve zero purpose on the street in terms of making a car 'faster'.

As for texting, sort of a tangent but I don't think anyone that is of sound mind would argue that either: texting is more dangerous then a drunk who is at least looking forward and attempting to control the car.

Almost got hit the other day while jogging near my house by a house frau in an SUV.

You know because you see the phone and the top of their heads instead of their eyes and hands

- b
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