Originally Posted by JARblue
I encourage you to send off samples of your oil after each change to Blackstone Labs. It only costs $25 and they'll even send you free materials to ship the oil. They will give you straight up facts about the quality of your oil and the amount of contaminants.
You said you've done two year OCIs in all your previous cars. I still question what makes you think that a two year interval is ok. It is very likely that your other car manufacturers recommend 6 month minimum OCI just like Nissan. I bet its not 2 years
Also, I read your logic for 1 year oil changes ... Go read the Bob The Oil Guy forums and you'll quickly realize it's far more complicated than your explanation. FWIW, I have seen manufacturer recommended 12,500mile/1year OCIs recommended on some vehicles in recent years, but they were not high performance sports cars.
the 335 recommended a 16000km interval on their manual...not a super high performance but nothing to baff at either. still way too much (10k mile) interval.