Hi all,
My factory navigation unit's been unplugged and it's been acting weird. I was able to go to "Navigation" -> Other -> Adjust Current Location to re-adjust my location and it would work fine but after awhile my car just goes off the grid and drifts slowly from one city to another and to another state if I leave it running long enough.
I am hoping I could get some help from someone that has the Nissan Factory Navigation and verify 2 preset settings for me.
Need Help from you guys for the following: (Can someone help me verify?)
1) Steering Adjustment for default? Mine currently is set to 0%)
2) Speed Adjustment for default? (-2.5% to +2.5% Mine currently is set to 0%)
**NOTE: To get to this menu, have you car in ACC/PWR mode and then turn off Audio/Radio (by pressing the volume knob) then
hold down "Settings" in the panel and then
spin the volume knob clockwise continuously until the diagnostic menu shows up.
My car has a different Nismo Final Drive 4.08 and running on 18" rims, not sure if that is the reason it's all jacked up now after the power reset on my navigation. It shouldn't though, I recall it working fine before. Now after a few days, it's not accurate enough and starts drifting away from the actual global position.
Other Helpful Information
-I've already reset navigation to default (I think that's what screwed it up) because now it doesn't recall the preset.
-GPS signal is good