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Old 04-24-2016, 11:30 PM   #1 (permalink)
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white37014 is on a distinguished road
Default Some joker spit hard candy on my Z!

Well last night I found out why I keep my z locked away in my garage for most of time had the car for 2 years only have 2K on it so far. Some joker
spit hard candy or threw hard candy (peppermint) on my z last night. Got home and saw it laying on my windshield looked closer had specs on my hood. Just washed and waxed the car earlier in the day. No damage no scratches etc at least from what I can see, but why in the world are there so many haters out there. My buddy has a brand new also white q50 about 20K more than the z it was not touched. Oh well live and learn or live I guess.

Last edited by white37014; 04-24-2016 at 11:33 PM.
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