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Old 04-23-2016, 01:37 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BC416 View Post
I run a FI CBE but since you asked for other options, the ARK Grip was my other choice when I was shopping. The Motordyne also sounds good but is a little aggressive. Those are the ones I like that I have heard in person.
Out of the 3 exhaust which one was the loudest ? And which one had a exotic sound ? I'm looking for a loud exhaust, those 3 you just mentioned I also trying to decided which one to get. Correct me if I'm wrong from the YouTube videos it seems like loudest would be in this order 1st being louder ...

1st - motordyne e370 exhaust
2nd - fast intentions
3rd - ark grip

All 3 have a deep exotic beautiful sound which I love and the aam also seems to have a nice exotic sound but on YouTube videos seem quiet. Any thoughts please reply if I'm wrong. I never heard them in person just on YouTube but if anyone has heard them in person please respond.

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