Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
well!!! you have to try it if you want... i know someone here on classified section was selling the Ings+1 Replica lip... i think if you wan to do it is the cheaper way to start. Like everyone said... you cant find a lot of options for the 2013+ front bumper... My custom lip was broken a few months ago and i decide to buy the Aeroworkz frontlip that is for our bumpers and a shop of a good friend of mine, made me a custom front splitter that inmy opinion makes the lip looks a lot better! here is the pic
TD5 by Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
image2 by Carlos Berrios, on Flickr
BTW the splitter looks something similar to the Ings+1 lool 
that looks really dope dude. do you think your friend can make me one too?