Originally Posted by TheWeez

Drove around this morning, no smoke. Idk what rpm you enter boost (only went up to 3k) so I finally have a working vehicle!
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This looks like a 90 degree silicone coupler at the compressor outlet, it should be a 45 degree, although they will both work, just need to be cut a bit differently on the larger (2.5") compressor side.
The compressor cover outlet should also be very close to the transmission (about 1/4"), so clocking is very important when it comes to getting maximum height on the crossover pipe.
You can see here how tucked up this should be:
This is also with a 2.5" pipe, the kits that you guys got have the 2.25" pipe under the transmission, so it would be slightly higher as well.
You Can see here, 2.5" pipe is only about 3/8" lower than the oil pan. The 2.25" would be only about 1/8" lower: