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Old 12-28-2009, 08:18 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MightyBobo View Post
Oh the web of lies those silly commercials weave...

Thought this was funny...
My Second iMac Is Busted, Too - iMac - Gizmodo

btw, its not that the computers suck, or the OS for that matter. I have a fundamental hatred for a few things about Macs.

1) The owners tend to try to be trendy elitist douchebags
2) You're now using the SAME HARDWARE as a PC...except you pay double or more, to have the privilege of running OSX. Thank baby Jesus himself, that people have figured out a way to install OSX on normal PC hardware without having to buy a Mac-branded item
3) You're going to get **** for games on OSX compared to Windoze (and no, it wont run as fast when its being emulated, especially since you're stuck using all the older hardware thanks to Apple being kind enough to tie everyone's hands...)
4) The owners also tend to be amazingly stupid when it comes to computers. They just know "it runs".

The only reason there aren't a ****-ton of viruses out there for Mac is due to one thing: they hold an amazingly small percentage of the market share. Why bother going out of your way to make a virus that may only touch 5% of computers out there, when you could make one that could do a LOT more damage? And trust me, if you worked where I worked, you'd know Macs are just as insecure as Windows systems are.
Haha good points. Though im not a trendy elitist douche bag i will say a majority of us mac owners are that way but i will say that macs do run faster and better than pc's i've owned a lot of pc's and i have gotten the infamous blue screen every time but when i bought my mac the simplicity and its reliability just amazed me. Like you said most people dont know much, just that their computer runs and for those who are looking for the fastest, easiest, and most reliable computer they can use mac wins every time.
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