Out of Hibernation - Getting Ready for ZDayZ 2016
Deb and I are a go for the Sunday to Sunday trip to Fontana Village. I will again be driving the "MAZOC Support Vehicle and will be pulling the official MAZOC Bass Boat!
Have already been in contact with Jon & Pat - we'll be loading up a lot of the left over supplies from last year (flatwear, plates, cups, etc.), Since I've got the truck, I should have plenty of "mule capacity" so if anyone needs assistance with transport of "stuff", just let me know.
Looking forward to the trip - if anyone would like to join me for some fishing outings, just don't forget to pickup a North Carolina fishing license - you can get one just for a few days (as opposed to buying one for the whole year) - you can probably also purchase one at the Marina.
All from here for now.
2010 Z Roadster  A.S.S. (All Stock Stuff)