Originally Posted by jwomack1547
So I finally managed to swap the engine in my Z and didn't have to return the core. Now it's just laying around. What are some good parts that may be sellable/usable from the old engine? It had a spun rod bearing so doing the whole block wouldn't be an option.
Originally Posted by edub370
head should be wortha pretty penny. and unnaffected by a spun rod...
unless they only replaced the short block, in that case, the block itself may be worth a bit.
Originally Posted by Duc_Z09
+1. The block should be fine and I'd bet there's a good chance the crank is too. Even if it isn't the journals can be machined down .020 or so and compensated with thicker main/rod bearings. My Jeep had bad scouring on the crank and we still saved it. 
Post it up on the for sale board and see what happens. I'm sure there are people looking for a complete engine to rebuild for a monster HP build. Spun rod bearings are fairly easy to resolve, since most reputable engine builders go through the block and rotating assemblies to make sure there are no problems.
Other option: rebuild it for your own monster HP build...