As of 04/07/2016 I had my brand new Nismo R-tune long tube Cold Air Intake system installed as well as the Fly1 Motorsports Carbon Fiber RS1 Vented Fenders.
The filament of the Carbon fiber is B-E-A-U-TIFULL
The fitment is also amazing, The only flaws I see are the little space by the crevice of the headlight, but it is not like the fender corner is crooked in there like a lot of people have problems with, mine is straight on, just about a quarter inch short, possibly less.
The only other flaw I see is the passenger side fender has a slightly bigger gap between the hood and the fender.
They are an amazing addition to the Z and I can't wait for later this week when I go back in to get the Carbon Fiber SS Vented Hood installed.
For now here are some pics